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A Dash of Empowerment is the Recipe for Success!

The Proverbial Lines In The Workplace

  • By Barbara Mann
  • 27 Sep, 2018

Establish the line, be consistent and be flexible  

It’s human nature to figure out where we draw a line during interactions with others. The line is different when dealing with our kids, family, friends and coworkers but one thing is certain, everyone is trying to figure out where the line is drawn. Will people test the line? Absolutely! They need to test it so understand what’s perceived as acceptable and what’s perceived as not acceptable.  In my experience, when any level of employee understands where the line is drawn with others and themselves, the team and organization run more cohesively.

New Leaders To An Organization or Office

When an employee from individual contributor to leader is new to an operation, there is already a culture established in the operation while at the same time, the new employee will bring their own culture as well. At this point, the culture may have similarities and differences. It’s healthy to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable in every organization. Does it mean it’s a healthy culture? Not necessarily. If employees treat others poorly, this may be culture but it does not mean it’s ok. This is where employees will test or be tested. In my experience, as a new leader to an organization or office, the employees are trying to figure out the new leader. Are they approachable? Are they micromanagers? Etc. It does not take long to observe an operation to figure out what’s healthy and what’s not. This is where growing pains may occur. An example is if there is disrespectful behavior to others, it’s up to leaders to confront and correct it. When the issue is addressed, the line becomes established and over time becomes acceptable. What we allow to be acceptable, becomes acceptable.

New Employee to An Organization or Office

Just like a leader, when an employee is new to an organization, they will bring their prior work culture to their new organization. The organization has its own culture and acceptable behaviors so it takes a bit of time to understand the similarities and differences. In my experience, I’ve seen employees who have come from very different company cultures who had to significantly adjust to the new environment. What is acceptable in one company culture is not necessarily acceptable in another. The only way to identify the difference is to test the line and it WILL be tested. If it’s a thriving positive culture, the entire staff and not just leaders, will help a new employee to adjust. On the flip side, if a new employee has ideas to improve their new culture, then by all means, listen and potentially incorporate it! New employees bring fresh perspectives and can create positive changes.

Can the Line Move?

The line should remain consistent for everyone for certain situations such as poor behavior, egregious acts, poor performance, etc. Once we allow inconsistencies, it’s difficult to understand the line and confuses leaders and the staff. Are there situations where the line should move? Yes! When we receive feedback about a particular policy or procedure that can be adjusted to benefit the staff and not compromise results, adjust the line. It shows that feedback is heard, valued and implemented.

It is human nature to figure out what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable. We all do it and it’s healthy since we all just really just want to know where is the darn line! We will all test it, push it, go over it which either draws a new line or reinforces the old line. When we understand the parameters for ourselves and our work environments, it becomes much easier to operate. With that said, if anything is unproductive or unhealthy, it’s up to each of us to do something about it! Lines are drawn but lines can be moved!

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